Retirement Planning

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Retirement Planning Checklist

A Retirement Planning Checklist For Your 20s and 30s

How To Create a Retirement Planning Checklist in Your 20s and 30s

It’s an easy mistake to make, thinking that retirement planning is a really complicated venture, especially in younger people who tend to spend a fair amount of their time simply enjoying life, not thinking too far down the line.  “I mean, there’s plenty of time for that stuff… right?”

As someone who specializes in business and wealth management for professional athletes, I’m pretty fluent with the 20-30 year-old age range.  As athletes, they often have larger finances to manage, which is great from a resources standpoint, but can open things up for over-complication, one of the bigger enemies to successful retirement planning.

In today’s post, I’m bringing you a slightly different perspective than you’re probably accustomed to seeing.

Why Your Retirement Will Look Much Different Than Your Grandparents

No matter what financial level my client has reached, he or she always puts one thought front and center when we first sit down to create a plan — RETIREMENT.  Over the past few decades the retirement savings landscape changed drastically, and it’s crucial that you roll with these changes.  Here’s an excerpt from a great article by Matt McCoy, where he focuses on the 3 reasons why your retirement will look much, much different than that of your grandparents’ (and that’s not necessarily a bad thing either)…