Billy Crafton

The worlds of business management and wealth management often seem quite complex, and they both tend to inspire a myriad of very important questions.

Finding proper guidance to all those questions is essential to long-term success.

To the ill-informed, managing wealth can seem overly-complicated and overwhelming, but on the whole, they’re actually simpler than they appear. It’s only a lack of time invested (and the important experience gained from it) that makes the process feel so difficult.

Here at, I hope to share my experience with you… to share what I’ve learned over years of helping individuals and businesses achieve their fullest potential.

For over 15 years I’ve worked providing guidance to individuals in business management and wealth management alike, covering everything from home purchases, credit reporting, vehicle leases, and a whole host of other financial and business items.

I’ve also worked for large corporations and small, boutique firms, helping through much of the same.

Now I’m here to help YOU, so let’s get started!

Click here to read the blog.


Billy Crafton is also an avid Jiu Jitsu competitor, which you can see on his YouTube channel, Billy Crafton Jiu Jitsu.

Here’s one of his first competition videos: Billy Crafton Jiu Jitsu Match #1