Billy Crafton Financial Advisor Question

The ONE BIG QUESTION to Ask Your Financial Advisor

Today I’m bringing you a little excerpt from a brand new article over at, and it is now officially one of my all-time favorites.  The author is actually Shannon McLay from, and she absolutely nails it when it comes to one of the biggest and most hard-hitting questions you can ask a potential financial advisor.

Normally I would jump in here and give you an intro to that, but I’m going to save my comments for the end instead, because I think you’ll enjoy Shannon’s insights unfettered first.

“Gifting” Life Insurance Policies to a Charitable Organization (Part 2 of 2)

Once again, right upfront here I’d like to thank Rodney Smith over at Helping Hands for Freedom for helping put this 2-part blog together.  You can learn more about Rodney and his work with helping military families of the fallen, wounded and deployed by clicking the link.

Gifting Life Insurance Policies – Why It Makes Sense (Part 2)

Last week I provided a general overview and then discussed the first option for gifting life insurance – Purchasing a New Policy. In this week’s conclusion, I’ll review the other two options: Donation of an old insurance policy, and the Purchase of Wealth Replacement Insurance. Let’s get to it!

Retirement Planning Checklist

A Retirement Planning Checklist For Your 20s and 30s

How To Create a Retirement Planning Checklist in Your 20s and 30s

It’s an easy mistake to make, thinking that retirement planning is a really complicated venture, especially in younger people who tend to spend a fair amount of their time simply enjoying life, not thinking too far down the line.  “I mean, there’s plenty of time for that stuff… right?”

As someone who specializes in business and wealth management for professional athletes, I’m pretty fluent with the 20-30 year-old age range.  As athletes, they often have larger finances to manage, which is great from a resources standpoint, but can open things up for over-complication, one of the bigger enemies to successful retirement planning.

In today’s post, I’m bringing you a slightly different perspective than you’re probably accustomed to seeing.

Don’t Make These 3 BIG Mistakes With A Credit Card

3 Big Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid

Being a business manager with an expertise in professional athletes, I’ve worked with clients in some rather stratospheric income ranges over the years.  A great business manager and wealth manager will help you avoid many of the pitfalls that can take down even the wealthiest of individuals over time (just look at Allen Iverson’s bankruptcy story), but anyone can let their credit card spiral out of control by making only a handful of key mistakes.  Here are 3 BIG mistakes that I strongly recommend you avoid making, if you want to keep your credit card debt from taking over your finances.

“Gifting” Life Insurance Policies to a Charitable Organization (Part 1 of 2)

Providing financial support to charitable organizations is now more important than ever because of the economic condition of our country. It’s imperative that all non-profit organizations diversify their fund development strategies to ensure sustainability.  And right upfront here I’d like to thank Rodney Smith over at Helping Hands for Freedom for helping put this 2-part blog together.  You can learn more about Rodney and his work with helping military families of the fallen, wounded and deployed by clicking the link.

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