July 2014

Monthly Archives

“Gifting” Life Insurance Policies to a Charitable Organization (Part 1 of 2)

Providing financial support to charitable organizations is now more important than ever because of the economic condition of our country. It’s imperative that all non-profit organizations diversify their fund development strategies to ensure sustainability.  And right upfront here I’d like to thank Rodney Smith over at Helping Hands for Freedom for helping put this 2-part blog together.  You can learn more about Rodney and his work with helping military families of the fallen, wounded and deployed by clicking the link.

Penny Stock Fraud? One Crazy Story…

A Business Valuation Blog?  Not Today, Check Out This Craziness…

Alright, so I honestly set out today to write a bit about the concept of BUSINESS VALUATION,  a very important facet for some of my clients who run their own enterprises.  It’s a big deal (there are entire companies devoted to business valuation), but as I started my search for inspiration today, I instead uncovered one of the strangest stories I’ve ever seen, coming from the pages of a Wall Street Journal blog no less.  If you think I’m exaggerating, let me share the first sentence I read, the one that immediately pulled me in:

“How can a social network that no one has ever heard of suddenly be valued at more than $6 billion?”

Now that’ll wake you up, right?  6 BILLION!